We are on your team!
Providing professional radon testing with your home inspection.

Envirolabs Incorporated has been providing test devices and radon testing services for home inspectors since 1992.
If you are certified to set your own tests we can supply you with radon test devices to place at your inspections and we will retrieve and analyze them at the end of the test and report the results to your clients. We can also have one of our certified radon measurement professional show up during your inspection to perform the tests or even start the test prior to the inspection and retrieve during it. Other options are available to best suit your needs. As your laboratory we take care of all calibrations, quality control measures and reporting making your radon testing worry free.

Service Area
Our service area includes Montgomery County, Prince George’s, Anne Arundel, Howard and Frederick County and the District of Columbia.

Envirolabs Incorporated provides various service tiers to home inspectors based on their certification and needs.
For home inspectors that are certified to set their own tests we can provide test kits with everything required to set a professional radon test (shown). Then depending on your needs, we can pick them up or you can pick them up and drop them off at the lab for analysis. In either instance we will then analyze the devices generate the reports and submit them to you and your clients as indicated.
For home inspectors who are not certified we can have one of our technicians show up at your inspection as a member of your team and set the radon test. Fees for the test would be collected by you and we will invoice you after the test has been completed. At the conclusion of the test, we submit all reports.
Since we are the laboratory, working with Envirolabs Incorporated frees you from proficiency testing and other certification requirements you would otherwise be responsible for.
Service Tiers
- Test Placed and Picked Up by Envirolabs
- Test Placed by Home Inspectors with Envirolabs provided devices and picked up by Envirolabs
- Test Placed and Picked up by Home Inspector with Envirolabs provided devices
Other services provided for home inspectors included blind continuous monitor testing and training.
Why use Envirolabs?

Is the money spent maintaining radon certifications, taking exams and complying with Quality Control requirements eating into your profits?

Can the time you spend driving around picking up test devices and generating and sending reports be better used doing something else?
We handle all the hassle of contacting agents and owners and scheduling access.

When you add up all the true costs of equipment ownership, calibration tests, and maintenance, radon testing could cost more than it generates.
Envirolabs can provide a better way.
Do you want to become NRPP Certified?

Free training for our clients
One of the requirements to becoming a NRPP Certified Radon Measurement Professional is to take an approved 16 credit hour course.
If you are interested in becoming certified and are already a client of Envirolabs we will provide that training to you for free through our online training course.
For more information on signing up for the course or the certification process call us.