As a real estate agent you have a lot going on to close that deal and the radon test and contingency deadlines are not things you want to be worried about.
Our Radon Measurement Professionals arrange lock box access with the listing agent and can set test devices according to your needs: during, before or after a home inspection. Test reports are available by close of business and sent to all parties as per your instructions.
Envirolabs Incorporated has been the No. 1 source for agents in the Greater Washington Metropolitan Area since 1992. Our service area includes Montgomery County, Prince George’s, Anne Arundel, Howard and Frederick County and the District of Columbia.
Radon tests can be ordered by a variety of means: by calling us with your special needs at (301) 990-6010, by placing an order on this website, or using our special site, where orders can be placed by agents and a payment link sent to their clients which can greatly simplify the order process.
Regardless of how the order is placed, we will be there.
Since 2015, Montgomery County requires that “a single-family home located in the County must be tested for radon before completing a sale of the home.”, becoming the first jurisdiction in the nation to pass mandatory radon testing.
Located in Montgomery County, Envirolabs Incorporated is uniquely situated and committed to assist sellers and buyers meet their obligations under this law. Expedited testing is available and in most cases can be scheduled to begin on the same day we are contacted.